Woman accused of stealing bag with gun from off-duty deputy
Woman accused of stealing bag with gun from off-duty deputy | Translate
ALEXANDRIA, La. (AP) - A Louisiana woman is accused of stealing a bag with a gun and other items from an off-duty deputy's personal vehicle.
News outlets report a news release from the Rapides Parish Sheriff's Office says 39-year-old Karen Sue Gage was walking slowly across a road in Alexandria ...
Wed, 28 Aug 2019 12:02:44 -0400
गुजरात के गिर जंगलों में घास खाते दिखा शेर, जानिए क्या है सच्चाई
गुजरात के गिर जंगलों में घास खाते दिखा शेर, जानिए क्या है सच्चाई | Translate
सोशल मीडिया पर गिर जंगल में शेर के घास खाने का वीडियो तेजी से वायरल हो रहा है. इस वीडियो को देखकर कई लोग हैरान हैं कि आखिर शेर घास कैसे खा सकता है.
Wed, 28 Aug 2019 15:36:24 GMT
Captură uriașă de droguri pe un yaht. Cum a fost găsită cocaina de 65 milioane de euro
Captură uriașă de droguri pe un yaht. Cum a fost găsită cocaina de 65 milioane de euro | Translate
Una dintre cele mai mari capturi de droguri din istoria Marii Britanii a fost făcută la bordul unui iaht, oprit la un kilometru de țărmul Țării Galilor.
Wed, 28 Aug 2019 16:42:00 +0300