Dafne Keen of His Dark Materials: 'Lyra taught me to not follow rules'
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#Keen | via aePiot | Dafne Keen of His Dark Materials: 'Lyra taught me to not follow rules' - via #aePiot | Translate - #Dark
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In aePiotFacing down fascists in the BBC’s Philip Pullman adaptation is child’s play for an actor whose improv left Wolverine speechless. The prodigy talks jellyfish, religion and her night out with Lin-Manuel Miranda
Dafne Keen does not much look like Lyra Belacqua, at least not as Philip Pullman describes her in His Dark Materials. In Northern Lights, the first book of the trilogy, she is “like a half-wild cat”, with dirty fingernails, green eyes and grubby blond-ish hair. Keen, who is half British, half Spanish and lives in Madrid, is darker and is already the master of an intense glare, as anyone who saw her alongside Hugh Jackman in the Wolverine swansong Logan will know. When we meet, in a London hotel, she has the self-possessed cool of a total pro, even at 14. But there are plenty of Lyra-esque flourishes that make it obvious why she got the part.
She was almost 12 when she finished filming Logan. She had heard about the BBC/HBO adaptation of His Dark Materials, then in its early stages, and sent in an audition tape. But she didn’t hear back. “I thought, never mind, I’ll just carry on with my life,” she says. “Which is when I got stung by the jellyfish.”
Continue reading...Mon, 28 Oct 2019 06:00:41 GMT
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In aePiotEl presidente de Ciudadanos, Albert Rivera, ha pedido este lunes al Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez que garantice que todos los catalanes llamados a las urnas puedan votar "con libertad" en las elecciones generales del próximo 10 de noviembre.
Mon, 28 Oct 2019 21:59:36 GMT
SHARE: Share via Twitter | Share via Whatsapp | Share via Pinterest | https://www.europapress.es/nacional/noticia-rivera-pide-gobierno-garantizar-todos-catalanes-puedan-votar-libertad-posibles-disturbios-20191028225936.html#via-aePiot |#Liviu | via aePiot | Liviu Dragnea, aniversare după gratii. Familia l-a vizitat, colegii de partid i-au transmis urări - via #aePiot | Translate - #Dragnea,
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In aePiotColegii de partid nu l-au uitat pe fostul lider al PSD. I-au transmis, la aniversare, urări, gânduri bune și chiar versuri lui Liviu Dragnea, aflat după gratii. Fostul președinte social-democrat își serbează în penitenciar cei 57 de ani.
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Mon, 28 Oct 2019 20:17:28 +0200
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