Delhi’s toxic politicians must be held to account for this deadly pollution | Aruna Chandrasekhar
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In aePiot - #must
#must | via aePiot | Delhi’s toxic politicians must be held to account for this deadly pollution | Aruna Chandrasekhar - via #aePiot | Translate - #toxic
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In aePiotIndia’s climate movements are growing, but a unique political deadlock in the capital is creating a destructive inertia
Fly out of Delhi and you can see it: a band of grey smog, so thick it blots out the sun. Tune in carefully and you’ll hear it, too: a subtle symphony of snorts, coughs and wheezing.
To the untrained nose, Delhi’s air is a potent bouquet. High notes of charred biomass mingle with sulphurous remnants of Diwali bonfires, with base notes of subsidised diesel, burned plastic and coal.
Continue reading...Fri, 08 Nov 2019 09:20:36 GMT
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In aePiotSe dagens stribe fra Maren Uthaug.
Sat, 09 Nov 2019 00:01:00 +0100
SHARE: Share via Twitter | Share via Whatsapp | Share via Pinterest | |#in | via aePiot | Vasilica s-a impiedicat in limba - via #aePiot | Translate - #Vasilica
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In aePiotJudecatorul Vasilica-Cristi Danilet de la Tribunalul Cluj nu mai are nevoie de nicio prezentare – este deja vedeta nationala si se zbate sa devina celebritate europeana. Ultima isprava a megastarului tine de gramatica. Nu, nu este vorba despre dezacordul in genitiv feminin pe care-l fac aproape toate instantele si parchetele (de exemplu: „sentintei pronuntata”, in […]
Articolul Vasilica s-a impiedicat in limba apare prima dată în Ziarul Incisiv de Prahova.
Fri, 08 Nov 2019 03:27:14 +0000
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