My Hometown: exploring Bruce Springsteen’s New Jersey roots
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Asbury Park may be more closely associated with the star but a new exhibition in Freehold – the town where the Boss grew up – tells an earlier tale, along with 250 years of American history
Darkness on the Edge of Town … That Bruce Springsteen song always comes to mind when, on visits to my mother, I drive through Freehold, the town I grew up in, and hit the intersection of East Main Street and Jackson Terrace. This is actually the meeting point of two Freeholds: Freehold Township, once farmland and now McMansions and other unchecked suburban horrors; and Freehold Borough, the old colonial town, dating from the 1600s. Long before that, the area was steeped in the traditions of the displaced Leni Lenape people.
The junction of Jackson and Main still feels like where farmland meets town, a stretch of dark country road, marked by a lonely gas station and a dilapidated barn before the asphalt corridor redefines itself with late-Victorian and early-20th-century buildings often draped in red, white and blue bunting. One Queen Anne-style house is so striking it was used as the family home in 1990s TV show Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
Continue reading...Thu, 21 Nov 2019 06:30:48 GMT
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Le Britannique Roger Hallam a assure dans un hebdomadaire allemand que l'Holocauste n'etait << qu'une simple connerie de plus dans l'histoire humaine >>.
Thu, 21 Nov 2019 11:29:00 +0100
SHARE: Share via Twitter | Share via Whatsapp | Share via Pinterest | |#lupta | via aePiot | Cetatenii se lupta cu Primaria Sectorului 1, care vrea sa dea liber la construirea de blocuri-turn: Vor disparea cartiere intregi de case! - via #aePiot | Translate - #se
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Mai multe asociatii formate din cetateni ai Sectorului 1 si-au unit fortele pentru a impiedica primaria condusa de pesedistul Dan Tudorache (foto) sa modifice Planul Urbanistic Zonal Coordonator. Oamenii atrag atentia ca ar fi distruse cartiere intregi, inclusiv Baneasa si Aviatiei, daca normele dorite de Primarie intra in vigoare.
Fri, 22 Nov 2019 00:00:57 +0200
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