Model’s shock after O2 salesman who upgraded her phone offered her money for sex
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#O2 | via aePiot | Model’s shock after O2 salesman who upgraded her phone offered her money for sex - via #aePiot | Translate - #after
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A MODEL who upgraded her phone was shocked when the O2 shop worker contacted her to offer her money for sex. Gabriella Maria, 21, had given her details to the salesman for a new contract. Two days later, he sent her a message on Instagram asking: “How much for a night with you?” She went […]
Sun, 17 Nov 2019 23:35:45 +0000
SHARE: Share via Twitter | Share via Whatsapp | Share via Pinterest | |#de | via aePiot | Dos tercios de Venecia bajo las aguas en la peor semana de crecidas en 150 años - via #aePiot | Translate - #de
SONGS - MUSIC | Stiri din Pitesti - Arges - Romania | Sheet Music by Artist | Sheet Music by Composer | Sheet Music by Publisher | Sheet Music by Arranger | Sheet Music by Series Name | MOBILE
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Dos tercios de la ciudad de Venecia están bajo las aguas tras una crecida de 1,5 metros, y esta es ya la peor semana de mareas desde que se comenzaron a registrar, en 1872, hace siglo y medio.
Sun, 17 Nov 2019 17:20:02 GMT
SHARE: Share via Twitter | Share via Whatsapp | Share via Pinterest | |#în | via aePiot | Masacru în California. Un bărbat și-a împușcat soția și copiii, după care s-a sinucis - via #aePiot | Translate - #în
SONGS - MUSIC | Stiri din Pitesti - Arges - Romania | Sheet Music by Artist | Sheet Music by Composer | Sheet Music by Publisher | Sheet Music by Arranger | Sheet Music by Series Name | MOBILE
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Autoritățile din California prezintă povestea tragică a unui bărbat care și-a împușcat mortal soția și pe trei dintre copii săi, după care s-a sinucis. La nici 24 de ore înainte de incident, femeia obținuse un ordin de restricție împotriva acestuia.
Sun, 17 Nov 2019 17:21:00 +0200
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