Sunday, September 29, 2019

#Unloads | De Niro Unloads on Trump —Even Worse Than Before | via - #Trump


De Niro Unloads on Trump —Even Worse Than Before - #De

#Unloads | via aePiot | De Niro Unloads on Trump —Even Worse Than Before - via #aePiot | Translate - #Unloads

Robert De Niro isn't exactly holding a torch for President Trump. Between remarks he made Friday at the premiere of his new movie The Irishman , and what he said Sunday on CNN, the actor is in full anti-Trump mode and ready to toss in a couple of f-bombs. Want to...

Sun, 29 Sep 2019 17:15:00 CDT

De Niro Unloads on Trump —Even Worse Than Before - #Unloads

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