Friday, March 27, 2020



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We crossed over this week: coronavirus is heaping cruelty upon cruelty | Brigid Delaney

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We crossed over this week: coronavirus is heaping cruelty upon cruelty | Brigid Delaney

Fear is everywhere this week. You can see it in people’s eyes and hear it in their voices

Monday marked the turning. There appeared a line that we all stepped over together into this odd, unsettled twilight land we now find ourselves in.

On Friday thousands still gathered at Bondi beach. But a friend who was there said the vibe, which couldn’t be captured by the pictures (themselves now viral), was more complex. “There was this instinct to come together one last time, to seize the dwindling moment,” he told me. It was less wilful blindness, he said, and more paradoxically a life-affirming impulse in the face of the terrible known unknown that was coming next.

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Fri, 27 Mar 2020 01:02:49 GMT

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