Thursday, March 26, 2020

What can we learn from China’s handling of coronavirus? - podcast


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What can we learn from China’s handling of coronavirus? - podcast

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What can we learn from China’s handling of coronavirus? - podcast

After weeks of lockdown China is starting to lift restrictions in an attempt to return the country to normal. The Guardian’s Beijing bureau chief, Lily Kuo, discusses how China coped with coronavirus and what life is like there now

According to official statistics, China has defeated the coronavirus. Authorities have begun easing Wuhan’s two-month lockdown while cities across the country are following orders to “fully restore” production and resume normal life. But as the country returns to work, residents and analysts doubt the near-zero community transmission rate, worrying that leaders have prioritised restarting the economy over decisively containing the virus.

The Guardian’s Beijing bureau chief, Lily Kuo, tells Rachel Humphreys what life under lockdown has been like and the lessons that can be learned from China’s handling of the outbreak.

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Fri, 27 Mar 2020 03:00:45 GMT

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