Saturday, August 1, 2020

Heat warning issued for B.C.’s Boundary, West Kootenay regions - #B.C.’s | via aePiot


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Heat warning issued for B.C.’s Boundary, West Kootenay regions - #Kootenay

#hashtag #B.C.’s - #issued - #for - #warning - #Heat - #West - #B.C.’s |

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Tags: for B.C.’s Boundary, West Kootenay regions, Boundary,, for B.C.’s, warning issued for B.C.’s Boundary, West Kootenay, warning issued for B.C.’s, issued for B.C.’s Boundary, West Kootenay, Kootenay regions

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Tags: for, issued for B.C.’s Boundary, West, Heat warning issued, Heat warning issued for B.C.’s Boundary, West, Heat, Kootenay regions, West Kootenay


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Perfumes - Cosmetics - Accessories - New products

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Tags: B.C.’s Boundary,

Sat, 01 Aug 2020 18:42:31 +0000

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#hashtag #Heat - #West - #B.C.’s - #West - #Kootenay - #for - #Heat |

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