Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Route out of lockdown - tests that must be passed for restrictions to be lifted


Route out of lockdown - tests that must be passed for restrictions to be lifted more - page web card

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 12:05:10 +0000

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The widely discredited report claimed that the Oxford vaccine did not work in over-65s - but has been rebuffed by both the UK and German governments

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Police body-cam footage shows officers entering a home in Hornchurch, east London on Sunday, to be confronted by a large group of people, a table laden with food and a balloon arch

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Boris Johnson is plunging into an almighty row over Universal Credit - as his government mulls a one-off payment in exchange for cutting people's benefits in the long run. Here's what's going on and how you'd be hit

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Germany denies claim AstraZeneca vaccine is less effective among elderly

Denial comes in response to suggestion efficacy is as low as 8 per cent in over 65s

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 13:46:26 GMT

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