Tuesday, August 10, 2021

- BackLink - Rezultatele repartizării computerizate în învăţământul liceal de stat au fost publicate / Situația pe județe

Rezultatele repartizării computerizate în învăţământul liceal de stat au fost publicate / Situația pe județe
Un număr de 89.983 de absolvenţi ai clasei a VIII-a au fost admişi în învăţământul liceal de stat, în prima etapă de repartizare computerizată, a anunţat Ministerul ...

Mon, 26 Jul 2021 00:03:00 GMT

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The bill includes funding for broadband access programs electric vehicle charging stations and cybersecurity.

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Gerrard's side came into their second leg needing to turn around a one-goal deficit having lost 2-1 in Sweden in this Champions League qualifier.

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... Nick Grimshaw 36 has secured 'Radio 1's most star-studded airtime line-up to date' for his final broadcast on Wednesday according to reports.

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... Would the new bill put more money in your pocket? Here's what to know about the latest proposal and what could come next.

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An Australian girl who died in a freak bird attack is being remembered by her bereaved family as a “stunning little ray of sunshine.” ...

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LOS ANGELES — Singer-songwriter Stevie Nicks has canceled appearances at five music festivals citing coronavirus concerns. Nicks released a statement Tuesday saying these are challenging times ...

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... Bank of America's Robert Ohmes expects the discount giant to deliver strong earnings But he lays out other points for why investors should pay attention.

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... McConnell delivered a warning to Biden over a $3.5 billion budget even before Biden had a chance to celebrate passage of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan on Tuesday.

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... The Rams endured a horror start to the game as Jordan Turnball nodded in from close range following shocking defending of a corner.

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... Accuser Virginia Giuffre this week alleged she had feared for her life if she had refused to have sex with Andrew “against her will” ...

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Calendar Ortodox pentru ziua de 4 noiembrie 2023: Ce sărbătoare este azi? Este data dedicată pomenirii morților | aePiot Trends | Calendar O...