Friday, July 8, 2022

E-way bills for inter-state commerce up 36% on-year in June

E-way bills for inter-state commerce up 36% on-year in June

Monthly gross GST collections rose to Rs 1.45 trillion in June despite a moderation in e-way bills in May, reflecting better utilisation of trucking capacity.

Sat, 09 Jul 2022 05:15:00 +0530

Tory MP Andrea Jenkyns sticks middle finger up at 'Bye Boris' crowd sparking fury

The Morley and Outwood MP, who has now been promoted to Education secretary, was heading to Downing Street to meet Johnson and certainly stood out from the crown in a neon yellow dress

Fri, 8 Jul 2022 23:23:13 +0000

Dad in five month passport fight says people 'in tears' waiting in office queue

The man travelled from Lancaster to Liverpool to try and renew his six-year-old daughter's passport after a phone operator claimed the co-signer of her photo did not exist

Fri, 8 Jul 2022 22:56:40 +0000

Detective sacked after using toothpaste request to sexually harass female colleague

The officer, who worked in safeguarding, has now been dismissed without notice and his name added to the barred list following the sexual harassment

Fri, 8 Jul 2022 22:31:09 +0000

Warning issued about symptom of new Covid strain that shows up during the night

'While the available vaccines are still considered our best protection against the virus right now, O’Neill says he believes new ones will be developed ahead of the expected winter surge'

Fri, 8 Jul 2022 22:20:07 +0000

Former equalities minister Kemi Badenoch enters race to be the next Prime Minister

Kemi Badenoch wants to run a “limited Government focused on the essentials”. The MP for Saffron Walden resigned from her post as minister for equalities and levelling up communities on Wednesday

Fri, 8 Jul 2022 22:01:53 +0000

Adorable baby ferrets found cruelly abandoned without food in cat carrier under a bush

THE RSPCA receives a heightened amount of phone calls in relation to animal cruelty during the hot summer months

Fri, 8 Jul 2022 21:59:33 +0000

Mum left paralysed from the waist down after felling numb when she got home from Aldi

Debbie-Lyn Connolly Lloyd's morning was like any other as she did the school run before going to Aldi for the weekly shop, but events took a devastating turn when her legs started to feel numb and heavy

Fri, 8 Jul 2022 21:42:38 +0000

Elon Musk announces bid to buy Twitter for £34billion is OFF after deal collapses

Musk, who is worth an estimated £214billion, had promised that Twitter will continue to be a platform for free speech

Fri, 8 Jul 2022 21:32:56 +0000

Mum slammed for making teenage daughter sign lease and pay monthly rent to live at home

A mum-of-six posted a TikTok video detailing how she makes her daughter Jada, 18, pay $100 a month to live at home as per a lease agreement in order to prepare her for the future

Fri, 8 Jul 2022 21:28:10 +0000

'Soulmate' wife 'who lit up every room' dies suddenly on trip to celebrate her dream job

Kate Thornton was just 42 when she suffered a suspected cardiac arrest just days into her holiday on June 28, despite having no previous health issues or displaying any symptoms

Fri, 8 Jul 2022 21:05:01 +0000

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Mum left paralysed from the waist down after felling numb when she got home from Aldi

Elon Musk announces bid to buy Twitter for £34billion is OFF after deal collapses

Mum slammed for making teenage daughter sign lease and pay monthly rent to live at home

'Soulmate' wife 'who lit up every room' dies suddenly on trip to celebrate her dream job

Kate Thornton was just 42 when she suffered a suspected cardiac arrest just days into her holiday on June 28, despite having no previous health issues or displaying any symptoms

Fri, 8 Jul 2022 21:05:01 +0000


Famed Sequoia Grove at Yosemite Park Threatened by Growing Washburn Fire

What Is Eid al-Adha? Meaning and Origins Explained

The holiday begins on the 10th day of the 12th Muslim calendar lunar month of Dhul-Hijjah, as Hajj culminates.

Fri, 08 Jul 2022 19:00:01 -0400


Japan reels from assassination of former Prime Minister

Shinzo Abe was shot dead in broad daylight as he gave a speech

Video shows moment Shinzo Abe was shot

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe died after being shot while giving a campaign speech on a street in central Japan.

Fri, 08 Jul 2022 06:15:38 GMT


Japan reels from assassination of former Prime Minister

Shinzo Abe was shot dead in broad daylight as he gave a speech

Video shows moment Shinzo Abe was shot

Japan's strict gun laws make shootings rare

Boris Johnson leaves a mess to clean up. But British Conservatives are delirious with relief

Fri, 08 Jul 2022 10:21:33 GMT


Ruinele dezolante de pe Insula Șerpilor filmate în detaliu de ucraineni. Comando-ul care a descins în Marea Neagră VIDEO

Punct ochit, punct lovit. Grenadă aruncată din dronă exact prin turela deschisă a unui tanc rusesc VIDEO

Ucrainenii au în continuare mare succes cu grenadele lansate din drone. Zilnic sunt publicate imagini cu vehicule militare rusești distruse în urma unor astfel de acțiuni.

Fri, 08 Jul 2022 21:41:02 +0300


Elon Musk terminates $US44b Twitter deal

Germany score big win in women's Euros

WA beaches yield earth's secrets

West Australian researchers are revealing previously hidden details of the earth's distant geological past by studying the age of ancient grains of sand.

Fri, 08 Jul 2022 21:32:14 GMT


Cristiano Bergodi nu are emoții înaintea Supercupei cu CFR: „Nu avem nimic de pierdut, vrem să ne distrăm”

Decizie-șoc înainte de primul sezon cu VAR: șeful proiectului, scos din CCA! Vassaras vrea să-l dea afară de tot, dar e INTANGIBIL!

Start în noul sezon! CFR Cluj și Sepsi luptă pentru Supercupă » Echipe probabile + cote

A semnat și Vlad Chiricheș » Transfer definitiv la o nou-promovată: „Vreau să aduc aici experiența mea”

Sheet Music Plus Home Page

Vlad Chiricheș (32 de ani), căpitanul naționalei României, a fost prezentat azi oficial la Cremonese, echipă nou-promovată în Serie A.  La câteva ore după ce Ionuț Radu făcea primele poze în tricoul lui Cremonese și oferea declarații pentru site-ul oficial al clubului, a venit și rândul lui Vlad Chiricheș să fie prezentat oficial. ...

Fri, 08 Jul 2022 22:31:50 +0300


Mesajul lui Dan Petrescu pentru Marius Șumudică, după ironiile recente: "Eu zic că asta e cel mai important!"

Federico Piovaccari nu ar refuza o nouă aventură la FCSB! Ce a spus despre Gigi Becali

Sheet Music Plus Home Page

Federico Piovaccari nu ar refuza o nouă aventură la FCSB! Ce a spus despre Gigi Becali

Fri, 08 Jul 2022 23:53:26 +0300


Mesajul lui Dan Petrescu pentru Marius Șumudică, după ironiile recente: "Eu zic că asta e cel mai important!"

Federico Piovaccari nu ar refuza o nouă aventură la FCSB! Ce a spus despre Gigi Becali

Cum a reacționat David Popovici când i s-a propus ca un bazin de natație din România să-i poarte numele

Cum a reacționat David Popovici când i s-a propus ca un bazin de natație din România să-i poarte numele

Fri, 08 Jul 2022 23:53:18 +0300


De sâmbătă, apar noi reguli la intervențiile pentru combaterea atacurilor urșilor bruni

Sheet Music Plus Home Page

Cu scopul de a preveni și combate atacurile unor exemplare de urs brun, când apar astfel de situații în interiorul localităților, autoritățile locale trebuie să intervină imediat, potrivit unui OUG apărut acum aproximativ un an. Acum, p...(Citește tot articolul)

Fri, 08 Jul 2022 00:00:00 +0300


The scariest kids' movies ever made (and where you can watch them right now)

Buy a plant, save a bird: the bird rehab trust funded by native plant sales

Weekend baking: Mix it up for the school holidays

Woman dead after daylight assault in Auckland's Grey Lynn

A person at the property on Cockburn St has been arrested and armed police are at the central city address.

Fri, 08 Jul 2022 22:26:17 GMT


Room review: Understated beachside luxury at Rarotonga's Little Polynesian

Two stuck trucks hold up traffic on Saddle Rd

Te Rangi-Pā, the Sky Fort is the perfect wee home on a hill

Reminiscent of a bunker or watchtower, this house in the Port Hills, Christchurch has caught the eye of the NZIA Canterbury awards jury.

Fri, 08 Jul 2022 20:45:57 GMT


Elon Musk blasts Biden’s latest teleprompter blunder, compares it to ‘Anchorman’

Mexico’s Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador slams Greg Abbott’s immigration order

Mexico’s oldest panda. Shuan Shuan dead on 35th birthday

Shuan Shuan, the oldest panda in Mexico, has died at the age of 35.

Fri, 08 Jul 2022 17:34:12 -0400


De sâmbătă, apar noi reguli la intervențiile pentru combaterea atacurilor urșilor bruni

Sheet Music Plus Home Page

Cu scopul de a preveni și combate atacurile unor exemplare de urs brun, când apar astfel de situații în interiorul localităților, autoritățile locale trebuie să intervină imediat, potrivit unui OUG apărut acum aproximativ un an. Acum, p...(Citește tot articolul)

Fri, 08 Jul 2022 00:00:00 +0300


Dad in five month passport fight says people 'in tears' waiting in office queue

Detective sacked after using toothpaste request to sexually harass female colleague

Warning issued about symptom of new Covid strain that shows up during the night

'While the available vaccines are still considered our best protection against the virus right now, O’Neill says he believes new ones will be developed ahead of the expected winter surge'

Fri, 8 Jul 2022 22:20:07 +0000


‘Appalling’: WA govt accused of preferencing political donors

NSW flood recovery co-ordinators appointed

Resilience NSW directors Dean Betts and Mel Gore have been appointed to manage the state's flood clean-up and rebuilding efforts.

Fri, 08 Jul 2022 23:23:11 GMT


Little girl’s gruesome injuries from freak accident on US roller coaster

‘It was really scary, I was screaming and crying.’

Fri, 08 Jul 2022 23:28:25 GMT

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