Thursday, August 25, 2022

aePiot Sail-0q1g

पति का अफेयर पत्नी को नहीं आया पसंद, गुस्से में शोहर के टुकड़े कर बनाई बिरयानी

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 17:44:00 +0530

पति का अफेयर पत्नी को नहीं आया पसंद, गुस्से में शोहर के टुकड़े कर बनाई बिरयानी


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पति का अफेयर पत्नी को नहीं आया पसंद, गुस्से में शोहर के टुकड़े कर बनाई बिरयानी


पति से लड़ाई हुई जिसके बाद पत्नि ने चाकू से हत्या कर शव के टुकड़े-टुकड़े किए और बिरयानी बनाकर खुद खाई। रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, पति का एक अन्य महिला से अफेयर चल रहा था और पत्नी को यह बात पसंद नहीं थी जब्कि पति अपनी पत्नी को पसंद नहीं करता था क्योंकि वह रोज उससे लड़ती थी।

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Illustrative Images from Sail
Illustrative Images from Sail
Feel Like a Cast Member With These Love Island Starter Packs - Thu, 25 Aug 2022 18:37:27 +0000 Palace: National ID printing on schedule - Fri, 26 Aug 2022 00:00:00 +0800
Cât îi costă pe părinții români începutul de an școlar? Date platformă de comerț online: O familie va aloca anul acesta aproximativ 520 de lei pentru un ghiozdan echipat, la care se adaugă bugetul pentru haine - Thu, 25 Aug 2022 08:06:10 +0000 China Reportedly Plans to Use Cloud Seeding to Combat Drought Affecting the Yangtze River Region - Thu, 25 Aug 2022 15:57:58 EDT
زيارة ماكرون إلى الجزائر: الرئيس الفرنسي يسعى إلى رأب العلاقات مع تفاقم أزمة الطاقة - BBC Arabic - Thu, 25 Aug 2022 09:21:23 GMT பழனிசாமியின் அதிமுக பொதுக்குழு அப்பீல் வழக்கு: தீர்ப்பு ஒத்திவைப்பு - Dinamalar - Thu, 25 Aug 2022 11:29:00 GMT
Bắn pháo hiệu báo bão số 3, sẵn sàng sơ tán 135.000 dân miền núi phía Bắc - Tuổi Trẻ Online - Thu, 25 Aug 2022 03:23:00 GMT Zanu PF MP Nduna arrested - NewsDay - Thu, 25 Aug 2022 22:00:12 GMT
LIVE: PM Anthony Albanese announces details of Royal Commission into Robodebt scheme | ABC News - ABC News (Australia) - Thu, 25 Aug 2022 00:33:21 GMT Un bărbat din Suceava a murit în urma coliziunii dintre o căruţă şi o autoutilitară - Thu, 25 Aug 2022 23:08:00 +0300

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بث مباشر.. حفل جوائز الأفضل في أوروبا 2022

مصر ترفع الحد الأقصى للسحب من البنوك إلى 150 ألف جنيه

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 19:02:25 +0400

Arabic language

مصر ترفع الحد الأقصى للسحب من البنوك إلى 150 ألف جنيه


Sheet Music Plus Band Music

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مصر ترفع الحد الأقصى للسحب من البنوك إلى 150 ألف جنيه


قرر محافظ البنك المركزي الجديد، حسن عبدالله، إلغاء حدود الإيداع للأفراد والشركات ورفع الحد الأقصى للسحب للأفراد والشركات.

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Headlines: Arabic language

لبنان: الشعبية تحيي ذكرى استشهاد القائد الوطني الكبير أبو علي مصطفى

وقفة في عمّان دعمًا للحركة الأسيرة المناضلة وللأسير البطل خليل عواودة

بالصور: وفد من الاتحاد الأوروبي يمارس رياضة التجديف على شاطئ بحر غزة بدعوة من اتحاد الشراع والتجديف

الاحتلال يمعن في التنكيل بالأسيرات في سجن الدامون

بعد واحد وعشرين عاماً على رحيله فلسطين تثأر لاستشهاد أبو علي مصطفى

مستوطنون يهاجمون مقدسيا ونجله

مستوطنون يهاجمون مقدسيا ونجله

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 15:13:00 +0300

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


‘সর্বকালের সেরা একগুঁয়ে’ জকোভিচ! কোভিড টিকা নেবেনই না, নেই যুক্তরাষ্ট্র ওপেনেও

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 18:16:27 +0000

Bengali language

Sheet Music Plus Music for Strings

‘সর্বকালের সেরা একগুঁয়ে’ জকোভিচ! কোভিড টিকা নেবেনই না, নেই যুক্তরাষ্ট্র ওপেনেও


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‘সর্বকালের সেরা একগুঁয়ে’ জকোভিচ! কোভিড টিকা নেবেনই না, নেই যুক্তরাষ্ট্র ওপেনেও


দ্য ওয়াল ব্যুরো: সেই এক জেদ বজায় রেখেছেন নোভাক জকোভিচ (Novak Djokovic)। কোভিড ১৯ টিকা না নেওয়ার কারণে বছরের শুরুতে অস্ট্রেলীয় ওপেনে খেলতে পারেননি। তারপর আট মাস কেটে গেলেও তিনি কোভিড টিকা নেননি। তাঁর মনে হয়েছে এই ভ্যাকসিন একেবারেই নিরাপদ নয়। সেই

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Headlines: Bengali language

স্বস্তি দিয়ে রাজ্যে নিম্নমুখী করোনার দৈনিক সংক্রমণ-মৃত্যু

দুর্গাপুজোর স্বীকৃতি মিছিলে শুধু অংশ নেবে একাদশ-দ্বাদশ শ্রেণির পড়ুয়ারা

ভোট লুঠ রুখতে সংসদ নির্বাচনে মোতায়েন করা হচ্ছে সেনা, জানাল নির্বাচন কমিশন

ভোট লুঠ রুখতে সংসদ নির্বাচনে মোতায়েন করা হচ্ছে সেনা, জানাল নির্বাচন কমিশন

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 14:40:50 +0000

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Headlines from the web

محطة زابوريجيا النووية "تنفصل" عن شبكة الطاقة في أوكرانيا - BBC Arabic

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 16:33:46 GMT

Headlines from the web

Dolo 650 freebies case: Supreme Court asks Centre to file reply in 10 days


Fri, 26 Aug 2022 00:18:57 +0530

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Thu, 25 Aug 2022 23:24:47 +0800

Chinese language



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Headlines: Chinese language

不顾中国反对 美国会议员8月第3团访台

不顾中国反对 美国会议员8月第3团访台

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 14:25:57 +0000

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
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Dallas school bus driver, monitor save kids hanging onto trees from floodwater: video

Florida duo plead guilty to conspiracy for Ashley Biden diary theft

Dems push back on Biden student debt handout as cost estimate hits $600B

Steven Hoffenberg, Epstein mentor and one-time New York Post manager, found dead

Hip, hip, hooray! Video shows hippo siblings meeting for first time at Cincinnati Zoo

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 14:38:16 -0400

English language

Hip, hip, hooray! Video shows hippo siblings meeting for first time at Cincinnati Zoo


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Hip, hip, hooray! Video shows hippo siblings meeting for first time at Cincinnati Zoo


A video clip posted online by the Cincinnati zoo shows 3-week-old Fritz eagerly waddling into Hippo Cove ahead of lumbering mom Bibi on Wednesday.

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Headlines: English language

The particular challenges of crypto regulation

Get the Viral TikTok Kate Spade Boxxy Crossbody Bag Now

Animals. Complaint by L214 against a rabbit farm, the prefecture launches an investigation

Animals. Complaint by L214 against a rabbit farm, the prefecture launches an investigation

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 20:14:18 +0000

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Headlines from the web

Sostres se aburre


Fri, 26 Aug 2022 02:24:05 +0200

Headlines from the web

Fusillades à Montréal: Legault devrait être sur le terrain plutôt que sur Zoom, dit Anglade - Le Journal de Montréal

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 19:51:56 GMT

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Emmanuel Macron annonce la création d'une commission d'historiens français et algériens sur la colonisation

Rentrée scolaire 2022 : « Nous devons faire avec la situation qui est tendue », affirme Pap Ndiaye

Guerre en Ukraine : Toute tentative russe de détourner l’énergie nucléaire ukrainienne serait « inacceptable », prévient Washington

Incendies en Gironde : Le feu de La Teste-de-Buch déclaré « éteint »

Rentrée scolaire 2022 : Comment Pap Ndiaye aborde-t-il son baptême du feu ?

Pour anticiper de futures tempêtes, le gouvernement va acquérir cinq bouées météo

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 22:57:24 +0200

French language

Pour anticiper des tempêtes, le gouvernement va acquérir cinq bouées météo


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Pour anticiper des tempêtes, le gouvernement va acquérir cinq bouées météo


Ces bouées seront en mer mi-2023, a précisé le secrétaire d’Etat, expliquant qu’il fallait « le temps de les construire »

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Headlines: French language

Emmanuel Macron en Algérie : le chef de l'Etat annonce la création d'une commission d'historiens français et algériens sur la colonisation

Maltraitance animale : horreur au sein d'un élevage de lapins en Bretagne, la préfecture ouvre une enquête

Lot : pourquoi certains élèves du collège privé de Lalbenque devront payer le bus scolaire

Lot : pourquoi certains élèves du collège privé de Lalbenque devront payer le bus scolaire

Fri, 26 Aug 2022 00:58:25 +0200

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
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Kanzler Olaf Scholz: "Drittes Entlastungspaket lässt niemanden zurück"

Urtel des Bundesarbeitsgerichts: Corona-Prämie darf nicht gepfändet werden

Gedenken an Rostock-Lichtenhagen: Bundespräsident Steinmeier sieht Gefahr neuer Gewalt

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 19:38:24 +0200

German language


Gedenken an Rostock-Lichtenhagen: Bundespräsident Steinmeier sieht Gefahr neuer Gewalt | MDR.DE


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Gedenken an Rostock-Lichtenhagen: Bundespräsident Steinmeier sieht Gefahr neuer Gewalt | MDR.DE


Die Bilder von den Ausschreitungen in Rostock-Lichtenhagen vor 30 Jahren sind unvergessen. Nach Einschätzung von Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier ist das Risiko derzeit hoch, dass sich ähnliche Gewalt wiederholt.

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Headlines: German language

Justizministerium muss Begründung für Trump-Razzia veröffentlichen

Justizministerium muss Begründung für Trump-Razzia veröffentlichen

Fri, 26 Aug 2022 01:30:19 +0200

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Headlines from the web

Pulang Salat Subuh, Warga Terkejut Temukan Ular Sanca Terjebak di Saluran Air, Segini Panjangnya


Fri, 26 Aug 2022 08:35:00 +0700

Headlines from the web

USA: Im Wahlkampfmodus: Biden greift Republikaner scharf an


Fri, 26 Aug 2022 03:21:48 +0200

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पति का अफेयर पत्नी को नहीं आया पसंद, गुस्से में शोहर के टुकड़े कर बनाई बिरयानी

अजीबोगरीब मामला ! कोरोना, मंकीपॉक्स और HIV तीनों से संक्रमित पाया गया 36 वर्षीय शख्स, शोधकर्ता हुए हैरान

इमरान खान को मिली अंतरिम जमानत, जज को धमकाने का था आरोप

व्हाइट हाउस व न्यूयार्क सिटी के महापौर ने महात्मा गांधी की प्रतिमाओं को क्षति पहुंचाने की निंदा की

पश्चिमी मेक्सिको में हुआ खूनी संघर्ष, गोलीबारी में आठ लोगों की मौत

यूक्रेन ने मनाया स्वतंत्रता दिवस, रूस के साथ युद्ध के छह महीने पूरे हुए

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 09:21:00 +0530

Hindi language

Sheet Music Plus Music for Strings

यूक्रेन ने मनाया स्वतंत्रता दिवस, रूस के साथ युद्ध के छह महीने पूरे हुए


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यूक्रेन ने मनाया स्वतंत्रता दिवस, रूस के साथ युद्ध के छह महीने पूरे हुए


यूक्रेन ने रूस के साथ जारी युद्ध के बीच बुधवार को अपना स्वतंत्रता दिवस मनाया और यह यूक्रेन पर रूसी हमला शुरू होने के छह महीने पूरे होने का भी दिन है। वहीं, राष्ट्रपति वोलोदिमीर जेलेंस्की ने रूसी हमलों के मद्देनजर लोगों से सतर्क रहने को कहा। कीव के निवासी बुधवार सुबह सायरन की आवाज सुनकर जागे।

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Headlines: Hindi language

अल जवाहिरी की मौत पर सस्पेंस:तालिबान ने कहा- डेडबॉडी नहीं मिली; US ने कहा- अल कायदा सरगना की मौत पर कोई शक नहीं

बांग्लादेश नहीं बनना चाहता श्रीलंका:फाइनेंस मिनिस्टर बोले- चीन के कर्ज जाल से बचें गरीब देश; अब बांग्लादेश-नेपाल के दिवालिया होने का खतरा

बांग्लादेश नहीं बनना चाहता श्रीलंका:फाइनेंस मिनिस्टर बोले- चीन के कर्ज जाल से बचें गरीब देश; अब बांग्लादेश-नेपाल के दिवालिया होने का खतरा

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 05:45:00 +0530

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
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Caro gas, le mosse del governo che apre  a un nuovo decreto | Prezzo a 317 euro

Choc energetico, fronte anti-nucleare in crisi. I casi di California, Giappone e Germania

Elezioni 2022, cos’è l’«effetto flipper» della legge elettorale: l’incubo che turba candidati

Letta alla Festa dell’Unità senza simboli: «Con la destra l'Italia rischia la bancarotta»

Meloni manda un segnale all'estero: «Con noi i conti non corrono rischi»

Fri, 26 Aug 2022 00:11:56 +0200

Italian language

Sheet Music Plus Music for Brass

Elezioni 2022, segnale all’estero di Meloni: con noi i conti non corrono rischi


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Elezioni 2022, segnale all’estero di Meloni: con noi i conti non corrono rischi


La presidente di FdI intervistata dall’agenzia Reuterspromette «cautela». Sulla vendita di Ita Airways chiede tempo: voglio capire se si può evitare

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Headlines: Italian language

Coldplay a Milano: quattro date sold-out, biglietti rivenduti a 1.000 euro

Forestami, l’esito delle prime rilevazioni: Milano respira

Far West in via Giambellino: auto assaltate, a Milano torna la paura

Far West in via Giambellino: auto assaltate, a Milano torna la paura

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 12:59:31 +0000

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Headlines from the web

Aufruf: Vaterschaftsurlaub – warum hast du auf 10 freie Tage verzichtet? - 20 Minuten

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 08:29:39 GMT

Headlines from the web

Millionen-Forderung im Thüringer Awo-Skandal: Gütetermin am Landgericht Erfurt gescheitert


Thu, 25 Aug 2022 16:45:00 +0200

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宮古島市長が新型コロナ感染 代理者を設置せず 30日まで自宅療養 沖縄 - 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース

施設で療養中の3人を含む8人死亡 沖縄、新型コロナ3302人感染 前週比5日連続で減 - 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース

パトカーが通り過ぎてから走り出す不審な車…巡回中の警察官が発見 大麻所持の疑い 少年3人を逮捕 沖縄署 - 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース

「事故を起こした」ひき逃げ事件で10代の少年が出頭 沖縄・南風原町で児童けが 与那原署 - 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース

辺野古や経済対策が争点 沖縄知事選告示 下地氏、佐喜真氏、玉城氏が立候補 - 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース

Fri, 26 Aug 2022 07:23:00 +0900

Japanese language

Sheet Music Plus Piano Music

辺野古や経済対策が争点 沖縄知事選告示 下地氏、佐喜真氏、玉城氏が立候補 | 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース | 沖縄タイムス+プラス


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辺野古や経済対策が争点 沖縄知事選告示 下地氏、佐喜真氏、玉城氏が立候補 | 沖縄タイムス+プラス ニュース | 沖縄タイムス+プラス


[知事選 9・11]あと16日 任期満了に伴う第14回沖縄県知事選が25日、告示された。

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Headlines: Japanese language


(兵庫)神戸市東灘区岡本5丁目付近で不審な接近 8月26日朝

ロッテ9月8日に「BLACK BLACK」開催 前回は佐々木朗希が28年ぶり16人目の完全試合

5~11歳の副反応12%以下 コロナワクチン、大幅に成人下回る

5~11歳の副反応12%以下 コロナワクチン、大幅に成人下回る

Fri, 26 Aug 2022 08:57:30 +0900

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
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01h00 - Edição de Cláudia Almeida

Amazónia brasileira registou num só dia o maior número de incêndios em 15 anos

Fri, 26 Aug 2022 01:01:52 +0000

Portuguese language

Sheet Music Plus Piano Music

Amazónia brasileira registou num só dia o maior número de incêndios em 15 anos


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Amazónia brasileira registou num só dia o maior número de incêndios em 15 anos


O número de incêndios na Amazónia brasileira atingiu na segunda-feira o nível mais elevado em quase 15 anos, segundo dados oficiais divulgados hoje que mostram mais um sinal da destruição que afeta a maior floresta tropical do mundo.

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Headlines: Portuguese language

Futsal Paranaense – Operario Laranjeiras vence Campo Mourão e retorna ao G4

Laranjeiras do Sul – DEPEN e OAB Subseção regional implantam setor de instalação de tornozeleiras eletrônicas na 2ªSDP

Vereador de Marmeleiro é procurado pela justiça

Vereador de Marmeleiro é procurado pela justiça

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 21:00:05 +0000

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Headlines from the web

Judge Orders Redacted Affidavit Used in Trump Search Warrant to Be Unsealed - The New York Times

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 22:44:27 GMT

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Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Russland bestätigt Angriff in Tschaplyne | -

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 12:58:16 GMT

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Analogue Festival: Trei zile, 16 artiști și diferite activităţi ȋn aer liber

În noul an școlar masca va fi recomandată, nu va fi impusă

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 00:00:00 +0300

Romanian language

În noul an școlar masca va fi recomandată, nu va fi impusă


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În noul an școlar masca va fi recomandată, nu va fi impusă


În noul an școlar

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Headlines: Romanian language

Ediţia 26 august 2022 epaper

Haga va cere o exceptare temporară de la sancţiunile UE împotriva Rusiei

Haga va cere o exceptare temporară de la sancţiunile UE împotriva Rusiei

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 16:51:42 GMT

Romanian language

Ion Georgescu, primar al orașului Mioveni: PSD propune măsuri concrete de gestionare a situației energetice pe timp de iarnă!


Operatorii din domeniul energiei nu au răspuns corect la decizia Guvernului de a compensa facturile, afirmă Ion Georgescu, primar al orașului Mioveni, membru al BPJ al PSD Argeș, și au continuat să majoreze speculativ prețurile, dovedindu-se încă o dată că liberalizarea haotică a pieței energiei, inițiată de guvernarea de dreapta, a fost o decizie aberantă. "Soluția corectă este cea propusă de PSD: reglementarea temporară a prețurilor la energie. În acest sens, PSD propune reglementarea în două trepte. 1. Septembrie – 31 decembrie 2022: Pentru energia deja vândută – o compensare dintre prețul facturilor și un preț mediu al pieței, nu la prețuri speculative; 2. De la 1 ianuarie: reglementarea prețurilor practicate și a adaosului comercial, pe o durată determinată, cu actualizări periodice în funcție de costurile de producție. PSD se va asigura că Guvernul va continua să îi susțină pe consumatorii casnici și în special pe cei cu venituri mici, astfel încât la acest nivel să nu aibă loc modificări ale prețurilor din facturi!", afirmă Ion Georgescu.

English language

Ion Georgescu, mayor of Mioveni: PSD proposes concrete measures to manage the energy situation in winter!

The energy operators did not respond correctly to the Government's decision to offset the bills, says Ion Georgescu, mayor of Mioveni, member of BPJ of PSD Argeș, and continued to raise prices speculatively, proving once again that the chaotic liberalization of of the energy market, initiated by the right-wing government, was an aberrant decision. "The correct solution is the one proposed by PSD: the temporary regulation of energy prices. In this sense, PSD proposes regulation in two stages. 1. September - December 31, 2022: For energy already sold - a compensation between the invoice price and an average price of the market, not at speculative prices; 2. From 1 January: regulation of the prices applied and the commercial mark-up, for a determined period, with periodic updates according to production costs. PSD will ensure that the Government will continue to support household consumers and especially those with low incomes, so that at this level there will be no changes in the prices of the invoices!", says Ion Georgescu. the regulation of the prices applied and the commercial mark-up, for a determined duration, with periodic updates according to the production costs. PSD will ensure that the Government will continue to support household consumers and especially those with low incomes, so that at this level there will be no changes in the prices of the invoices!", says Ion Georgescu. the regulation of the prices applied and the commercial mark-up, for a determined duration, with periodic updates according to the production costs. PSD will ensure that the Government will continue to support household consumers and especially those with low incomes, so that at this level there will be no changes in the prices of the invoices!", says Ion Georgescu.

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P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g
Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
P a g e s: a e P i o t | B l o g


El Gobierno supera el primer examen del curso político entre advertencias de sus socios y el rechazo de la oposición

El Congreso aprueba la ley de ciencia que hará indefinidos a los investigadores financiados por la UE, por E.O.

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 17:39:45 +0200

Spanish language

El Congreso aprueba la nueva ley de ciencia manteniendo la medida que hará indefinidos a los investigadores financiados por la UE


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El Congreso aprueba la nueva ley de ciencia manteniendo la medida que hará indefinidos a los investigadores financiados por la UE


El Gobierno ha logrado alcanzar un acuerdo con ERC a última hora para que la ley de ciencia se apruebe con un texto idéntico al que salió del Congreso de los Diputados. El acuerdo, que se sustenta en dos puntos principales en los cuales el Ejecutivo se compromete a reforzar las condiciones de financiación y laborales de los centros de investigación, nace de jornadas de negociación entre los socios de coalición y el grupo republicano, para que este recule y vote en contra de la enmienda registrada por el PP en el Senado.

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Headlines: Spanish language

El Gobierno convalida el decreto energético entre las críticas de sus socios

La Junta asegura que el metro llegará al centro de Málaga «cuanto antes», pero no da una fecha

Así es la mansión de lujo más cara de España: está en Benahavís y cuesta 34 millones de euros

Desalojan por prevención tres edificios por un incendio en un bazar de Ronda

Desalojan por prevención tres edificios por un incendio en un bazar de Ronda

Thu, 25 Aug 2022 21:59:59 +0200

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Sheet Music: M u s i c a l S c o r e
My Candid View - On the decaying fortunes of the NSC - New Era - Thu, 25 Aug 2022 09:06:52 GMT Surmortalité et coronavirus: la Belgique s’en sort mieux que ses voisins européens - Thu, 25 Aug 2022 09:35:35 +0200
Covid-19 / Maroc : La situation épidémiologique au 25 Aout 2022 - Aujourd'hui Le Maroc - Thu, 25 Aug 2022 14:39:45 GMT Venezuela: Precio del dólar hoy, jueves 25 de agosto de 2022, según DolarToday y Monitor Dólar - RPP Noticias - Thu, 25 Aug 2022 10:15:09 GMT
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EL-Play-off - Austria verpasst Husarenstück in Istanbul deutlich - Thu, 25 Aug 2022 21:02:04 +0200 CFR Cluj – Maribor 1-0. Execuţie fabuloasă, în minutul 90, a lui Cvek. Clujenii, în grupele Conference League - Thu, 25 Aug 2022 21:58:00 +0300
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