Sunday, October 6, 2019

#until | Macron gives Johnson until end of week to overhaul Brexit plan | via - #Johnson


Macron gives Johnson until end of week to overhaul Brexit plan

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#gives | via aePiot | Macron gives Johnson until end of week to overhaul Brexit plan - via #aePiot | Translate - #Johnson

French president’s insistence that UK should give way raises chances of talks imploding

The French president has given Boris Johnson until the end of the week to fundamentally revise his Brexit plan, in a move that increases the chances of the negotiations imploding within days.

The UK proposals tabled last week are not regarded in Brussels as being a basis for a deal and Emmanuel Macron emphasised it was up to the UK to think again before an upcoming EU summit.

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Sun, 06 Oct 2019 21:31:44 GMT

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#udelí | via aePiot | Prezident Zeman udelí Karlovi Gottovi najvyššie české vyznamenanie: Ale prečo až budúci rok? - via #aePiot | Translate - #Prezident

LÁNY - Prezident Miloš Zeman budúci rok udelí zosnulému spevákovi Karlovi Gottovi Rad bieleho leva prvej triedy, najvyššie české vyznamenanie. Zeman to dnes povedal v rozhovore, ktorý poskytol rádiu Frekvence 1. Udeliť Rad bieleho leva už tento rok pri príležitosti 28. októbra by podľa Zemana bolo príliš krátko po pohrebe, ktorý sa koná v sobotu 12. októbra. Zeman tomu nechce vystaviť spevákovu rodinu.

Sun, 06 Oct 2019 19:30:00

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#Mold-street: | via aePiot | Mold-street: Taxa pe lux, taxa de portare şi altele achitate de companiile şi locuitorii din Moldova - via #aePiot | Translate - #taxa

Operatorii de telecomunicații din Moldova susțin că sunt afectați de suprataxarea inechitabilă, ceea ce stopează dezvoltarea rețelelor și implementarea noilor tehnologii informaționale, se arată în Cartea Albă 2019 lansată de Asociația Investitorilor Străini (FIA), scrie

Sun, 06 Oct 2019 19:14:15 +0300

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