Sunday, October 6, 2019

#with | Pompeo hails ‘new era’ with Greece after signing revised defense deal | via - #Pompeo


Pompeo hails ‘new era’ with Greece after signing revised defense deal

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#hails | via aePiot | Pompeo hails ‘new era’ with Greece after signing revised defense deal - via #aePiot | Translate - #hails

US secretary of state indulged in a rare charm offensive during two-day visit amid Trump impeachment scandal back home

Amid the furore of a presidential impeachment scandal back home, US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo inaugurated “a new era” in relations with Greece, the country increasingly seen as a pillar of stability in an ever more turbulent region.

At least physically several thousand miles away from the hurly burly of the impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump in Washington, which has drawn in senior administration players including Pompeo, the secretary of state indulged in a rare charm offensive at the weekend.

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Sun, 06 Oct 2019 19:32:17 GMT

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#Το | via aePiot | Το FBI εντόπισε τον χειρότερο serial killler στην ιστορία των ΗΠΑ - via #aePiot | Translate - #Το

Οι αρχές των ΗΠΑ πιθανότατα ανακάλυψαν τον χειρότερο serial killer στην ιστορία της χώρας: ο Σάμιουελ Λιτλ, 79 ετών...

Mon, 07 Oct 2019 03:52:11 +0000

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#despre | via aePiot | Dan Petrescu, prima reactie despre posibila plecare de la CFR Cluj - via #aePiot | Translate - #Petrescu,

Dan Petrescu a vorbit pentru prima data despre posibilitatea de a pleca de la CFR Cluj.

Mon, 07 Oct 2019 06:12:11 +0300

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