Saturday, January 9, 2021

Giant steps: Why Soul is the film that finally got jazz right


Giant steps: Why Soul is the film that finally got jazz right more

Sat, 09 Jan 2021 20:12:51 GMT

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Officers in England will 'move through the gears' and charge people £200 if they think a person is flouting the restrictions and they will not go home when asked once.

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My Aunt Peggy helped find Britain's biggest haul of buried treasure and now she is being portrayed by Lily James, WRITES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR JOHN PRESTON. Joyously unlikely casting.

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Nicky and Mark Webster were wrongly accused of abusing their children in 2005 and they were forcibly adopted. Now they attempt to trace daughter as she turns 21 - and urge her to get in touch.

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England’s third national lockdown needs to be made “stricter", scientists have said, as the number of coronavirus cases and deaths across the UK continues to hit record highs.

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Police are to fine people in England £200 for lockdown breaches after their first verbal warning, according to new guidance seen by the Sunday Telegraph.

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A Trump supporter and prominent follower of baseless conspiracy theory QAnon has been charged over Wednesday’s riots in the US Capitol building.

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FA Cup third round - LIVE!

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Scott McTominay produced a man-of-the-match performance as captain to lead Manchester United into the fourth round of the FA Cup as they beat Watford 1-0 at Old Trafford on Saturday.

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