Saturday, January 9, 2021

Lindsey Graham begs Joe Biden to order Nancy Pelosi not to impeach Donald Trump again


Lindsey Graham begs Joe Biden to order Nancy Pelosi not to impeach Donald Trump again more

Sat, 09 Jan 2021 14:04:41 GMT

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told his Republican colleagues in the upper chamber that the earliest a second impeachment trial of President Trump would begin is January 20th.

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The Sriwijaya Air plane took off from Jakarta on Saturday and was heading to Pontianak in West Kalimantan province when it lost contact with the control room, according to local media reports.

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'Soho Karen' Miya Ponsetto has returned to New York City following her extradition from California where she had been held behind bars. 

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Parental conflict is harming children during the pandemic

Families suffering from substance abuse, experiencing financial pressures and other challenges will be able to seek help via the Reducing Parental Conflict Programme 

Sat, 09 Jan 2021 14:44:15 GMT

As a survivalist, I’m teaching how to turn ordeals into adventures during the pandemic

One positive to emerge from the pandemic is our desire to reconnect with nature. Through bushcraft, families can learn skills and engage with the outside world during lockdown

Sat, 09 Jan 2021 14:39:27 GMT

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Calendar Ortodox pentru ziua de 4 noiembrie 2023: Ce sărbătoare este azi? Este data dedicată pomenirii morților | aePiot Trends | Calendar Ortodox, 4 noiembrie. Sfântul Cuvios Ioanichie cel Mare. Dumnezeu l-a hărăzit cu darul proorociei

Calendar Ortodox pentru ziua de 4 noiembrie 2023: Ce sărbătoare este azi? Este data dedicată pomenirii morților | aePiot Trends | Calendar O...