Wednesday, January 27, 2021

47 Best Housewarming Gifts to Celebrate a New Home


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Medway Council in Kent is planning on shortening cremation service times without lowering prices - and cutting a budget option used by grieving families

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Professor Jonathan Van-Tam said "all of the rules still apply" even if grandparents have had their first vaccine dose - but the country was  "tantalisingly close" to a time when lives would change for the better

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The secretive state is said to be looking at ways to tackle the global pandemic - despite claiming it has had no infections

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SHELL – GameStop: cómo una pelea entre usuarios de Reddit y Wall Street hizo que las acciones de la compañía se multiplicaran por diez


Wed, 27 Jan 2021 23:26:21 GMT

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A senior Conservative MP has been accused of spreading “dangerous misinformation” after reportedly suggesting that the scale of the coronavirus pandemic was being exaggerated.

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