Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Engelbert Humperdinck asks fans for ‘love and support’ after positive Covid test


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Wed, 27 Jan 2021 20:51:47 GMT

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Maisy Mason, 20, is a regular McDonald's customer so she went to the branch on Exeter High Street for her 'go-to' order as she didn't have time to make her own lunch

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‘A good soundtrack builds a world’ – How music has transformed TV, from It’s a Sin to Bridgerton

Annabel Nugent talks to the new breed of music supervisors on shows such as Industry and I May Destroy You, who are making our ears prick up every time we switch on

Thu, 28 Jan 2021 06:30:00 GMT

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Ultra-Orthodox unrest threatens Netanyahu re-election hopes

As he seeks reelection, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has turned to a straightforward strategy: Count on the rock-solid support of his ultra-Orthodox political allies and stamp out the coronavirus pandemic with one of the world’s most aggressive vaccination campaigns
Thu, 28 Jan 2021 06:06:56 GMT

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EXPLAINER: Why it's hard to make vaccines and boost supplies

With demand for COVID-19 vaccines outpacing the world's supplies, a frustrated public and policymakers want to know: How can we get a lot more, fast
Thu, 28 Jan 2021 06:02:06 GMT

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A charity has launched a fresh appeal to secure the immediate release of a Scottish Sikh who has been page web card

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Calendar Ortodox pentru ziua de 4 noiembrie 2023: Ce sărbătoare este azi? Este data dedicată pomenirii morților | aePiot Trends | Calendar O...