Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Covid: Boris Johnson challenged as over-80s and over-90s in mutated variant area still waiting for vaccines


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Wed, 27 Jan 2021 20:12:49 GMT

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As children struggle to access even the most basic tools they need to learn from home during the pandemic, the Mirror and National Education Union are launching the Help a Child to Learn campaign

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Paul Cockburn, 36, caused the criminal damage in a rage after arguing with his mother but later dialled 999 to hand himself in following the incident in Newcastle

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Biden’s new sign language interpreter runs a right-wing Facebook group and has been pictured in a MAGA hat

One video featuring Heather Mewshaw is titled ‘Joe Biden is literally and legally not the President elect’

Wed, 27 Jan 2021 20:40:39 GMT

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